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36 µg CO2 This image costed approximately 36 micrograms of CO2 to transfer.

About the project

E-missions investigates a currently overlooked topic in our increasing internet-driven society: the ecological footprint of digital behaviour

Just as many people are unaware that unsafe internet use carries serious risks, most people are also unaware that due to the exponentially increasing fact of being connected and our daily use of streaming, video calling, social media, blockchain and even email our digital footprint is growing drastically.

A major reason why this is overlooked is the lack of a tangible relationship between digital behaviour and the related consequences.

An email only becomes tangible when you print it and a streamed series is less tangible than a DVD box on the shelves. In fact, there ‘seems’ to be no raw materials used at all. Unfortunately, this thought is incorrect, because the increase in energy demand as a result of our digital behaviour is one of the fastest growing energy consuming sectors in the world and will only grow faster for the foreseeable future.

To experience your digital footprint, visit or book a Sensing CO2 tasting experience. To take action on your digital footprint or get inspired to realise digital innovations, visit the topics. To explore more insights, visit our resources section.

Background of the project

On this web platform, we highlight a small portion of a bigger ecosystem of impacts on the digital footprint. Once calculating, you should track the whole energy chain, and also factors as the age, use and manufacturing of your devices are of importance. This area is work in progress and new data and insights are gained on a continuous basis. This platform gives you the status of 2021.

E-missions is a digital platform to get insights and take action on your own ecological digital footprint. The goal here is to empower as many people as possible to adopt a sustainable internet mindset and empower them in their own internet use. What if a ‘carbon tax’ would be introduced for households- how will that influence the users digital behaviour? What if the eco-costs of digitisation will be taken into account for corporate carbon calculators? This project works on a method to taste and see the CO2 emissions as a result of digital behaviour. It plays with awareness and understanding of CO2 and how it should be part of our digital literacy. Let’s work together towards an eco-friendly digital lifestyle.


Sensing CO2 and E-missions is developed by Leanne Wijnsma and In4Art.

To support our research and implement the calculator, we are supported by scientist Jens Gröger. To develop the platform according to the set mission of low- carbon impact, we work with Yoeran Luteijn as our developer.

Leanne Wijnsma is supported by Stimuleringsfonds Creative Industries and the In4Art Collection Experimentation fund to release Sensing CO2. In4Art is supported by SIDNfonds to realise this platform.

Meet the team

  • 8 µg CO2 This image costed approximately 8 micrograms of CO2 to transfer.
  • 13 µg CO2 This image costed approximately 13 micrograms of CO2 to transfer.
    Jens Gröger Scientist
  • 11 µg CO2 This image costed approximately 11 micrograms of CO2 to transfer.
    Lija Groenewoud van Vliet Creative Director @ In4Art
  • 6 µg CO2 This image costed approximately 6 micrograms of CO2 to transfer.
    Rodolfo Groenewoud van Vliet Business Director @ In4Art
  • 14 µg CO2 This image costed approximately 14 micrograms of CO2 to transfer.
    Yoeran Luteijn Creative Developer


Sensing CO2 and E-missions is developed by Leanne Wijnsma and In4Art.

If you are interested in experiencing the Sensing CO2 performance or have it at your event, you can contact leanne [@]

If you would like to have a Digital Etiquette workshop and explore how your organisation can improve its digital footprint and calculate the needed Tree Park to off set E-missions, you can contact: rodolfo [@]


This platform has been created as a space where individuals and organizations can go to learn about the topic ‘environmental impacts of digital behaviour’, calculate their own impacts and find ways to become more sustainable online. This platform is not, nor does it claim to be, complete in any kind of way.

Our calculators are based on verifiable sources of knowledge but are not complete nor are they exact representations of reality. All data found on this platform is subject to estimations and/or averages and does not represent individual cases or situations.

The sources of the data and information used for the separate topic section, can be found in the resource section. We do not store your calculator results, but you can always return to the take action page to see your battleplan, as long as you use the same device.

This website does not store any cookies. Items you have added to your battleplan on the take action page are stored in “Local Storage” which is a private data store inside your browser and is not available to any servers nor any third parties.

The CO2 transfer cost indication you see on various images on this website are calculated by multiplying the size of the image-file (in kilobytes) with 0.000000936 (grams per kilobyte). The estimation only accounts for the transfer of the image from the server to your browser, and does not account the storage or energy usage of the image.